Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Where do we find our inspiration?

I think that for every person inspiration is manifested in different ways. Some may find it in another person, some may find it in nature, and others may not even know where it comes from, but may be suddenly hit by this intense feeling of creativity or emotion.

I've been thinking about what inspires me. And I figured out that it can't be explained by any one thing. There are so many people and things that inspire me.

Watching my loved ones inspires me to be better; not to be better than them, but to be better for them.

Watching young people being molded into our future leaders inspires me to make a difference in a young person's life. They inspire hope.

Listening to music inspires me to reach deep within my heart and soul to find my true self and my real feelings.

Reading inspires me to find my story.

A kind gesture or a simple smile from a stranger inspires me to pass the same courtesy on to someone else.

Tragedy inspires me to live life to the fullest. We never know how long we have.

My parents inspire me to be brave enough to look for that one person who makes me happy and who is my other half. And that I do deserve to be happy.

Love inspires me to live.

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