Saturday, January 3, 2009


It has come to my attention that my blog has started out with a very dark tone.
I am normally a very optimistic and happy person, but have been in a somewhat dark place recently. So my apologies to anyone who thinks I'm ready to jump off a cliff or something. I'm only writing what I feel at the moment and unfortunately I'm working through some stuff right now.

I am currently working on a couple of short stories and some other poems (that won't make you want to slit your own wrists and question my mental health) I'll probably be posting some of them, but not everything. I'm really trying to work on my skills as a writer. It has been a long time since I've just sat down and written whatever comes to my mind. I always give 100% and want to offer good material to read.

I was missing something in my life, and I think this is part of what it is. An outlet for me to express myself and use my creative side. I've been looking for some inspiration to write a really really good story. Something that not only I would enjoy reading, but other people as well. Nothing has come yet, and I think it's because I am looking too hard. It will come when it's meant to.

I'm a very firm believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason. If it's meant to happen it will. That rings true in every part of my life. I believe with every fiber of my being, that there is a higher power and we are all here for a reason. I'm just trying to figure out what mine is...

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