Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Can You Feel It?

Whether you are an Obama supporter or not, you cannot deny the electricity in the air. I woke up today with a sudden surge of energy and anticipation.

I am fully aware that this "change" that has been spoken about will not happen overnight. It's going to take time and work on our part, as well as our new president and government. But the very prospect of change causes my heart to beat faster.

We have such an amazing opportunity in front of us. We have the ability to really move forward and make change happen. We are standing in the middle of history. For someone who is a part of my generation, this is the kind of thing we heard stories about, the things we read about in history books. Well today we are a part of it. I don't know about you, but that fills my heart with a sense of optimism that has been missing for quite sometime.

I'm not expecting some miracle. I am not expecting that as soon as Obama is sworn in, the skies will open and everything will magically be better. Anyone who thinks that way is seriously diluted. But he does inspire change, he inspires us to do more, or at least want to do more, to be more involved.

It is going to take time, but I can't help but feel excited and hopeful for the future.

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